Different by Doxter S Getting Airplay WOS

Different by Doxter S

Different by Doxter S Getting Airplay WOS

There has been a buzz in the air ever since Netflix aired the first season of Th1rteen R3asons Why. The subject matter revolving around bullying and teen suicide is emotionally disturbing to some. TRW has, however, raised awareness of this important and increasing problem in American society.
Our modern society is undoubtedly playing a role and should change in a meaningful way to counteract this unfortunate trend.
Different, by Doxter S, is a touching and sensitive ballad that gets right to the center of this problem: American teenagers are caught in the nexus between childhood and adulthood, without always having the emotional anchor needed to remain stable. The lyrics, sung by a female lead, don’t indicate the subject’s gender. This first verse clearly describes the idea of transition, starting with a birthday party. This is followed by a haunting reference to the type of detachment felt when self-importance begins to wane. “People look though you like you’re not even there, like you are lighter than air, a wisp of smoke”.
WOS will first debut your song (Different) on our Podcast the week of January 29 (after our month of Holiday shows).  Your song (Different) is on an episode on our #1 Music Podcast on iTunes. Here is the link so you can listen and subscribe, Rate & Review so we can continue to build our audience in anticipation of the show featuring your song: Different on WOS
Our #1 New & Noteworthy Podcast can be heard on iTunes, YouTube, Tunein, Stitcher and many more popular platforms every 3-4 times per week.. Heard by over 10,000 monthly listeners and promoted to our social media base of over 60,000, the show is nearing 300,000 downloads and is continuing to grow. The Podcast features all Indie artists including interesting tidbits about the artists and the songs.



