Doxter S is Number 1 on ReverbNation

Check out Doxter S on ReverbNation. Doxter S is Number 1 on ReverbNation Locally, Number 1 Regionally, Number 16 Nationally, and Number 136 Globally.

Doxter S is Number 1 on ReverbNation

Doxter S has 82 original songs available on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music . The most recent include Heatwave, John Michael, Gemstone, Automatic, Tragodia, Sirensong, Elocution, Panayiota, Get Up, Lukas, Better Days, Connection, Masquerade, Handmaiden, Details, Bargain, Butterfly, and Form A Line. Also check out Fa La La, Daybreak, Merry Christmas All Around the World, Heaven, Sleep, Dancers, Da Boom, Dorian, Amazing, Bizness, Addicted, Diva, Different, Flower Girl, Canyons, Nervous, We Like It, Million, Perfect, Stay, Dogged, Nothing, Nice, Everywhere, Squeeze, and Tourmenter Chat.


Crimson Studios is proud to announce the new release of Nice by Doxter S. This delicate ballad with solo female vocalist (Sara) and classical guitar accompaniment will decompress and fulfill your soul. Listen to Nice by Doxter S on Apple Music and Spotify.

Doxter S spent some time in September 2018 in Nice (pronounced like Niece in English) on the French Riviera. This large metropolitan city is the summer playground for the French. It’s more upscale neighbors Monte Carlo to the east and Cannes to the west are for aristocrats and sheikhs. 

Not that the Porte de Nice doesn’t have it’s share of luxury yachts and millionaires. Bill Gates and Tina Turner live nearby. What Nice does have is a rich history and a charming old town (Vieux Nice) and lots of British and American expats. 

Wandering down the narrow, cobblestone walkways one passes by shops and restaurants with outdoor seating. The open market area constantly transforms; farmers market, craft vendors, exotic spices, and multicolored sea salts (the fish market was recently moved to the port area for health reasons). Everything gets hosed down before lunchtime. The restaurants lining both sides of the wide pedestrian area take over competing sections for outdoor dining. 

Without noting the time, the many church steeple bells start counting out the noon hour. High on the castle hill (now a park) a cannon is fired at exactly 12:00 sharp. Everyone is getting seated for déjeuner, the most important meal of the day. The banks have closed. Time to dine on food and wine. 

Nice was home to some very famous French painters, including Renoir and Matisse. There is a Chagall museum in the northern part of Nice. They all came to enjoy the sea air, the clear Mediterranean waters, and most of all the light and color of this place. The sky and the sea were so blue they gave it the name Côte d’Azur.


Doxter S just published number 78 of original musical compositions. Tragodia by Doxter S is another EDM Dance tune created with the iKaossilator app on iPhone. The individual tracks were mixed using Garage Band and once again spiced up with royalty free Apple Loops.

This particular song has lyrics derived from the Apple Loops. The title Tragodia (literally Goat Song in Ancient Greek) comes from those lyrics. There are no attributions provided by Apple as to the vocalist, but I trust she can appreciate how this composition turned out.

So, just listen, enjoy, clap, bob your head, or dance to the wonderful, new, original Tragodia by Doxter S, also available on Apple Music and Spotify

Tragodia by Doxter S

Tourmenter Chat

Dogs Cats Living Together Dangerously

Tourmenter Chat by Doxter S was published in 2 versions. The original was in French. Tourmenter Chat is one of 82 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

Il s’agit de la version originale française de la chanson populaire américaine. La mélodie est contagieux et les paroles sont ludiques et astucieux.

Doxter S est un chanteur, auteur-compositeur vivant près de Washington DC. Il compose sa musique spontanément et développe des thèmes qui peuvent être appréciées par les deux sexes. Doxter S a composé la musique pour voix masculines et féminines.

Tourmenter Chat (Anglais)

This is the English (Anglais) version of Tourmenter Chat (Tormenting Cat), translated from the original French pop song, available on Apple Music and Spotify.

This is the English (Anglais) version of Tourmenter Chat (Tormenting Cat), translated from the original French pop song. The lead and backing vocals are by Katelyn from Studio Pros in L.A. The Mix and Mastering are by Crimson Studios in Virginia.



Elocution is an electronic dance composition started on the iKaossilator starting with a steady but rapid beat and a punchy base rhythm.

Layer upon layer of electric piano and synthesizer created the foundation. The tracks were arranged using Garage Band which provided additional royalty free Apple Loops. Doxter S recorded another minimalist lyric to add spice and a reference to the mood.

The resulting mastering makes Elocution by Doxter S a catchy dance tune also suitable for a daily physical workout on the treadmill or cycle.

Elocution by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.

Elocution by Doxter S

Perfect by Doxter S Curated by ReverbNation

Perfect by Doxter S has been curated by ReverbNation. This is the sixteenth song by Doxter S that has been curated by ReverbNation. Doxter S has 73 original songs available on ReverbNation, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Amazon, and Jango.

ReverbNation wrote the following:

Nice work! Your song Perfect caught our attention and has made its way to the headphones of our Senior Curators. Curation is the first step towards career-changing artist development programs such as label deals, festival slots, and more. Not every song gets heard by Senior Curators, so give yourself a pat on the back! To learn more about curation and how it works, click here. Many thanks for being a part of the ReverbNation community, now go share your accomplishment with the world!

Perfect by Doxter S combines the complex and poignant emotions of romantic relationships with memorable melodies with heartfelt lyrics into a most enjoyable feast for the ears. Doxter S has a proven track record of creating beautifully emotional popular music that is helping to define the sensibilities of the social fabric that makes us who we are today. The song depicts loneliness and longing, sung by a female lead, reminiscing about a past romantic interest. The situation is fluid and uncertain, possibly substituting one past relationship with a current one. The only certainty seems to be an emptiness:

Wishing he was coming home soon. Been so lonely in their bedroom. When he’s finally home to stay, that would be a perfect day.

They were lovers for an instant, now they seem to be so distant. Why he had to go away. Waiting for a perfect day.

All alone again as sunset. Filling up her heart with regret. If her heart could fly away, that would be a perfect day.


Doxter S continues with new, original compositions using electronic music as a foundation. Starting with iKaossilator, a beat based track is styled to a mysterious but alluring mood. The theme is quasi sexual and almost intoxicating. Additional drum breaks were created using MuseScore. These tracks were then added together using Garage Band, along with a number of royalty free Apple loops.

The result is Automatic by Doxter S, a completely original song that is as catchy as they come. This is the latest of 79 songs created by Doxter S at Crimson Studios.

Automatic by Doxter S Featured on Pause & Play

Automatic by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.

Automatic by Doxter S


Bargain by Doxter S is a soulful and lamenting song about a love that is well beyond it’s Sell-By Date.  The theme is reflective of the happier early years of romance that give way with time to eventual resentment and the ultimate demise of the relationship.

Bargain by Doxter S refers to a Lover’s Bargain that exists in many idealized love affairs that seems to ignore the true risks and realities of life and love. This lover’s lament is in the style of a ballad in 6/8 rhythm accompanied by piano, pedal steel guitar, fiddle, banjo, and violoncello. Bargain by Doxter S sounds like: Willie Nelson, Dan Tyminski, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash. Listen on Apple Music and Spotify.


Doxter S has created another original EDM composition, named Sirensong, following a recent string of new electronic music.

Sirensong by Doxter S is number 78 coming out of Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia.

Doxter S starts with the iKaossilator app to create a rhythm, bass, and syncopation with melodic notes provided by various keyboard instruments. These tracks are used to create loops with Garage Band which are mixed and mastered along with other royalty free loops.

Sirensong by Doxter S has a mysterious theme backed by thumping rhythms and sprinkled with other musical accents. The resulting mix is hypnotizing and alluring.

Sirensong by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.

Sirensong by Doxter S


These love songs may not be appropriate for children. I don’t use explicit lyrics. Listen to “Squeeze” all the way through and you will get the idea. The hook (also the punch-line) is in the third verse. I find when I perform “Squeeze” the women in the audience get it during the second verse. The men don’t get it until the third verse. Squeeze by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs available fr streaming on Spotify and on Apple Music.

I got my inspiration for “Squeeze” from my wife. You men reading this won’t get my point until the third sentence. She and I practice oral hygiene differently. I follow the directions, so I’m always good to the very last drop. We share a lot of things but toothpaste isn’t one of them. I wrote “Squeeze” thinking  that a casual (or drunk) listener might just get the wrong idea what the song was about.

The cover art for “Squeeze” is inoffensive. “Ribeye“, on the other hand, is more risqué. This country-bluegrass love song was inspired by a full-figured woman at the dog park. She was speaking to her husband on her mobile phone. Her face lit up with a big smile when she proposed “Let’s Have Ribeye Tonight”. I couldn’t help thinking she was planning a romantic evening with him. My inspiration for the song was implanted and I went home to start composing music and writing lyrics. “Ribeye”  makes the point without explicit lyrics.

I needed an idea for a album including all my songs with these more adult themes (this album includes “Hair of the Dog” and “Mister ED”):  “Songs You Can(‘)t Sing to Your Children” (A compilation of Love Songs by Doxter S that are more appropriate for Clyde’s than Gymboree).


Doxter S has a talent for creating EDM tunes filled with energy and emotion. Gemstone by Doxter S is his 80th original composition, Starting once again with the iKaossilator app, a beat and tempo are created, supported by a baseline, and punctuated with synth lead, pad, and piano.

The next step for Doxter S is to mix the various tracks using Garage Band with the addition of various royalty free Apple Loops.These are selected for compatibility with the tempo, beat, and original key of the main tracks, These Apple Loops are like spices added to the foundational EDM tune.

The result for Gemstone by Doxter S is an infectious, catchy, scintillating EDM number that gets you off your chair and hopping to the beat.

Gemstone by Doxter S is available on Apple Music, Spotify, and Amazon Music.

Gemstone by Doxter S


Diva by Doxter S

Diva by Doxter S, an upbeat Hip Hop song, is entering new music territory. Doxter S created this original Hip Hop song, inspired by Piccolo Walzer, after making the following statement to a fellow musician: “Never argue with a Soprano”.

​Piccolo Valzer (little waltz) was the original title for Giacomo Puccini’s Musetta’s Waltz. More popularly known today as Quando m’en vo’ soletta, it may be the most memorable music from Pucciin’s 19th century opera La Bohème. So what is the connection with Diva by Doxter S? It turns out the word Soprano isn’t easy to use in the lyrics. So the original inspiration was transformed into  “Never argue with a Diva”, and the theme from the operatic song is carried into the story line. The style transformed to Hip Hop.

Nervous is available fr streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.

Starting with a simple piano rendition of Piccolo Valzer, the piano is next backed by a synthesizer and the all male chorus sings Diva Aria Mine”. The verse, spoken by Doxter S, is backed by the Soprano voice haunting off stage:

Diva, winner of Honoragle Mention for R&B and Hip Hop in the 35th MASC awards, is one of 80 original songs available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.

Diva Aria Mine

Get Up

Get Up

Crimson Studios is proud to announce another original composition: Get Up by Doxter S. Like the legendary Phoenix depicted on the cover, Doxter S is re-emerging with new life and new creative ideas for music and video.

Get Up by Doxter S is number 75 and is an electronic Deep House Dance composition. This HI (Human Intelligence) generated track started with an iKaossilator app to create the basic music. The mix and mastering was done on GarageBand with addition of some Royalty Free Loops.

Get Up by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.

Get Up by Doxter S


Sleep by Doxter S is an award winning song, now available for listening on Apple Music. This adorable lullaby is one of 80 original songs by Doxter S, which are produced at Crimson Studios. Doxter S creates emotionally engaging music, with catchy melodies, and heartfelt lyrics. These melodies stay with the listener long after the performance has ended. Listen to Sleep by Doxter S on Spotify and Apple Music.

Sleep by Doxter S, a Finalist in the Children’s Category in the 33rd MASC awards, is one of 80 original songs available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.

Sleep by Doxter S


Doxter S has created a new EDM-Jazz-Fusion song entitled “Heatwave”.

Starting with the Korg iKaoossilator Doxter S created an upbeat rhythm and base line with distinctive synth chords and pounding drum beats. Next, utilizing Garage Band Royalty Free Loops, Doxter S spiced up the music with the addition of vocal tracks, lead guitar riffs, and back up saxophone phrasing.

Heatwave by Doxter S is the 82nd original song produced at Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia and is available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.


Different by Doxter S

I am EXCITED to announce that the #1 New & Noteworthy and Award Winning Women of Substance Music Podcast will be featuring Different by Doxter S on their most popular series of the year – MUSIC WITH A CONSCIENCE – August 19 – October 11, 2024!

Women of Substance Show #1603 Friday September 6, 2024 – Mental Health, Depression & Anxiety

There has been a buzz in the air ever since Netflix aired the first season of Th1rteen R3asons Why.

Different by Doxter S is a touching and sensitive ballad that gets right to the center of this problem: American teenagers are caught in the nexus between childhood and adulthood, without always having the emotional anchor needed to remain stable. Listen to Different by Doxter S on Apple Music and Spotify.


Let's make a wish and blow the flames from the birthday candles 
You're a year older now but life seems too hot to handle
People look through you like you're not even there
like you are Lighter than air a wisp of smoke

You're different from the lucky ones
Just different want to hide and run
So different how could you stay in This place this life

Capture your thoughts and write them down in a private journal
No one will know until one day it's all over school where
People look through you like you're not even there
like you are Lighter than air a wisp of smoke

You're different from the lucky ones
Just different want to hide and run
So different how could you stay in This place this life

Did your father scold you Baby he made you tow the line
Did your mother hold you Baby when did she have the time
Did your teachers tell you maybe you'll do better next year
Feeling like a fool with nothing left to lose you want to disappear

You're different from the lucky ones
Just different want to hide and run
So different how could you stay in This place this life

Counting the pills you found in your mothers cabinet you
Swallow them down without a thought of the consequences
People look through you now you're not even there
now you are Lighter than air a wisp of smoke

You're different from the lucky ones
Just different want to hide and run
So different how could you stay in this place this life
Different by Doxter S



Doxter S continues to develop original music in the style of electronic/house/dance. The latest originated without an identified theme, however the occasion of Panayiota celebrating 100-years was an additional inspiration. This style of music does not lend itself very well to lyrics. In fact the only lyric is the title Panayiota.

Panayiota is on of the latest of 82 original tunes created by Doxter S at Crimson Studios. The process started with creating iKaossilator loops customized to a particular genre (R&B). Key, scale, tempo, and instrument selections were made to elicit a desired melodic balance of phrase and rhythm. The result is a catchy tune that is mixed with gradual addition of instruments.

The next layer used royalty free Apple loops matched to the key and scale. These are primarily vocal loops that contain emotion without lyrics.

The final layer is adding the phrase “Panayiota” as the singular spoken lyric, The phrase is then combined as repeats or chopped and reconstructed to match the tempo and balance of the other loops.

Panayiota by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.


Everywhere by Doxter S

Everywhere by Doxter S was be featured on Women of Substance Valentines series airing Thursday, February 9, 2023, Episode #1443. 

Everywhere by Doxter S will be included on an upcoming episode of our #1 Award-Winning Podcast on iTunes: also on Stitcher, TuneIn and more.  Your song will be heard by our over 10,000 monthly listeners and we promote the show to our over 60,000 social media followers. 

Everywhere by Doxter S is an upbeat, latin rhythm, inspirational song dedicated to a very happy new couple starting out their new life together with a dance and a promise to keep traveling and dancing together, leaving behind all the worries and complications of daily life.  Listen to Everywhere by Doxter S on Spotify and Apple Music.

Everywhere by Doxter S is the 61st original composition by this enigmatic composer.  This song has an upbeat, latin rhythm, with inspirational lyrics. Everywhere by Doxter S is dedicated to a very happy new couple starting out their new life together with a dance and a promise to keep traveling and dancing together, leaving behind the worries and complications of daily life. 

Form a Line

This upbeat song has more energy and less sweetness (than my last wedding song) and will get everyone crowding the dance floor dancing vigorously singing and shouting along with the band.

I wrote a song for a wedding this year [Everywhere by Doxter S] that was light and airy and sweet. I imagined the young newlyweds dancing to it. [on another planet]. The real wedding dances were very different and everyone was crowding the dance floor. They all knew the melodies and lyrics and sang along while dancing vigorously. I was impressed that a wedding song needs to have more energy, less sweetness, a simpler melody, and lyrics everyone would sing. After finishing this song I needed a title. I remembered John Travolta as the Angel Michael (1996) saying that when he first came to earth everyone was just milling around. Michael told them to “Form a Line”.

Handmaiden now on Spotify and Apple Music.

Form a Line is one of 82 original songs available for streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, or Listen here:


Doxter S created and produced his latest original song “Bizness” with a snappy upbeat rhythm in a funky style with a positive vibe that engages and excites his listeners.  Doxter S has been creating and producing original pop music since 2012 at Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia. Every new song has a unique style with catchy melody and engaging lyrics that evoke emotion from his listeners. Bizness by Doxter S has a funky upbeat rhythm and inspiring lyrics that together create a very positive vibe.

Bizness, winner of Gold for R&B and Hip Hop in the 35th MASC awards, is one of 80 original songs available for streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.


Dorian by Doxter S is one of 80 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music

Oscar Wilde, the nineteenth century Irish romantic poet and playwright, is probably most famous for his novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. The Faustian story line relates to a full length portrait of the eponymous Dorian who makes a wish that his portrait would age instead of himself.

Dorian by Doxter S is a fantastical interpretation in music of this Gothic theme. Dorian appears at various times and places chasing after a dream-like companion. The mood is mysterious, the music intoxicating, and at the end Dorian and the music fades away.


Lived so long, seen it all, Dorian, you don't age

The first time he walked into the place
Was a different man, a different face
People drifting in people drifting out then he heard the sound of a woman shout
Just exactly like in that dream he had that has set the music on fire

The next thing he knew he’s on the stage
With a different girl, a different age
Dancing to the rhythm all syncopating a pounding beat was intoxicating
He felt his heart was alive again it was burning with desire

She had fiery eyes and glowing face
They we're in a passionate embrace
He could smell the scent of her sweet perfume as they danced in circles all around the room
There was music playing inside his head and his mind was all in a daze

They were headed through an open door
Walked into a room he’d seen before
There were velvet curtains all in a line flowing burgundy like a Bordeaux wine
Then they started running with hand in hand through a never ending maze

Lived so long, seen it all, Dorian, you don't age
Hear my song, Dorian, hear the words of the Sage

Now they’re in the palace at Versailles
In a ballroom lined with mirrored tile
Marie Antoinette and The Brothers Grim as Rasputin laughed with his wicked grin
As the music waned and the pictured face Dorian is fading to grey

And he wondered if it ends this way in a
Different place on a different day there was
More to see there was more to do only time would tell change his point of view
See it's relative if you make it last Dorian was fading fast

Dorian turning grey as your mind fades away
Hear my song let it play won't be long fades away
Won't be long fades away
Dorian by Doxter S


Details by Doxter S is a Jazz-Blues song in Em that tells an ages-old story about the morning after – with a hangover of epic proportion. The instrumental phrasing alternates between keyboard and guitar. The rhythm is syncopated with the bass and piano echoing each other. The outro repeats the final statement of the chorus.

Sounds Like: John Mayall, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Van Morrison


You wake up from another party smoked and drank all night 
Your head is spinning, ears are ringing, eyes can't stand the light
Remember music getting louder, dancing, doing lines of powder
Met a woman with her date. You got into a fight.

You had too many cocktails. You went too far. It's time for you to go.
The Devil's in the Details. She's pulling all the strings now. Don't You Know?

She may have been your soulmate, or your fantasy I guess
A curvy shape with lengthy legs wrapped in a satin dress
A pretty face with hair like flame, but you just can't recall her name
A sexy voice and flirting eyes, she made your mind a mess

You've fallen off of the rails. You won't get far. You don't know where to go.
The Devil's in the Details. She's pulling all the strings now. Don't You Know?


She's just another female. You've come this far. You don't have far to go.
The Devil's in the Details. She's pulling all the strings now. Don't You Know?

You try to find your pants and shoes you're in a strange hotel
Misplaced your keys and wallet and you start to feel unwell
There's water's running in the shower, shampoo scent of spice and flower
Just a silhouette of her you've fallen in her spell

Attempting to escape fails. But you're not trapped. You got nowhere to go.
The Devil's in the Details. She's pulling all the strings now. Don't You Know?

Details by Doxter S is number 69 of 73 new and original music written, recorded, and produced at Crimson Studios. Available on Apple Music and on Spotify.

Better Days

There has been a lot going on in the last few years. What seems to be an upheaval in societal relations may be part of a natural evolution of human thought. Better Days by Doxter S provides a musical representation of these troubled times.

The melody is in a minor key that adds pathos to the relevant lyrics. Despite the melancholy there is also great hope. The song begins and ends with the word “Pray”. There is hope fore redemption in this prayer. There is optimism for humanity.


Pray, At night I pray for better days 
We turned around and lost our way It's getting darker every day

The world is colder There is no room for compromise
If we could open up our eyes We'd see the sun about to rise

Through stormy weather New days are dawning
We stand together A new belonging

It won't take long To make things right for every wrong
We must remain steadfast and strong
Before a storm there is a calm

Let's come together We still have choices
If we sing proudly They'll hear or voices

So let us pray Pray for a life of better days
Days filled with love Love and respect in every way

We must stay strong And everything will be Okay
It won't be long Before we see some better days

When we were younger We were much stronger
We had no hunger Not any longer

Stand side by side Without the prejudice and pride
We need our goals to be allied Let's put our politics aside

We stand together We are united
Out human spirit Is reignited

So let us pray Pray for a life of better days
Days filled with love
Love and respect in every way

We must stay strong And everything will be Okay
It won't be long Before we see some better days

So let us pray

Better Days now on Spotify and Apple Music.

Better Days by Doxter S


Doxter S has been writing, recording, and producing original songs in multiple genres since 2012.  Heaven by Doxter S, is number 54, inspired to incorporate the bluegrass sound of mandolin, banjo, and fiddle this ballad about love has lyrics that are heartfelt and includes modest harmonies for the vocals, with a very upbeat and lively drum set accompaniment. Heaven by Doxter S s now on Apple Music and on Spotify.

This song can also be played on acoustic guitar to accompany any vocalist for a more traditional style ballad. The guitar should follow the fiddle between vocal phrases, and can be played finger style to capture the mandolin plucks backing the singer.


Handmaiden by Doxter S is a fanciful tale of a young romantic renaissance teenager. The melody is in the Key of A with Mixolydian scale. The intro and bridges are simple arpeggios of this scale. The instruments include strings, harp, hand percussion, tambourine, and triangle. The setting is in a Tudor Garden in Renaissance England.

Handmaiden by Doxter S


Dancers by Doxter S is a dance fantasy with a latin beat. This song evokes the nightlife in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the tango dancing that originated there.

The singer recalls her experience as a tourist and the lasting impression that stays with her. She carries in her memory the dancers that so impressed on her the beauty and grace of the Tango. She dreams of herself becoming a tango dancer in Buenos Aires.

Dancers now on Spotify and Apple Music.

Dancers by Doxter S


Million by Doxter S

Doxter S created this upbeat Merengue style song intended to be performed by a female vocalist. Listen to Million by Doxter S on Apple Music. This song was number 34 for Doxter S, who now has 82 original songs available for listening on & Spotify, and can be downloaded from Amazon.


Masquerade by Doxter S is one of 82 original songs now available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music

There was never a time in recent memory when everyone we know suddenly become phantoms, as we are to them. The entire world placed on a curfew, lock down, socially distanced and emotionally isolated. The impact of recent events will far outlast the so called invisible enemy of which we have become terrified.

Masquerade by Doxter S tells the story from an all too familiar perspective. We are all trapped but desperately crave freedom. The melody is sweet but the lyrics are biting. The chord changes build up to an emotionally charged bridge and defiant chorus.


Addicted by Doxter S

Addicted by Doxter S is an uptempo song with an electro-island beat and is sung with great passion by a female lead vocalist with backing harmony.  The melody and Hip Hop style beat are very catchy and the lyrics are inspired by popular culture. The mood is very positive. Addicted by Doxter S is one of 80 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

Hailee Lautenbach ShoutOut Video for Addicted by Doxter S

Addicted by Doxter S


Butterfly by Doxter S started out sounding like a nursery rhyme song. The opening melody is very fanciful and sweet. The quintessential nature of the butterfly is her transformation from caterpillar during metamorphosis. This transformation needed expression in music. The Butterfly in this song continues her transformation into a human social butterfly. The melody also changes abruptly to reflect the new and exciting life she is seeking. The backing of the violoncello transforms into an overdrive electric guitar with percussion from a full drum set.

Butterfly now on Spotify and Apple Music


I am just a butterfly 				Feel Free 
Painted wings on purple flowers Real Me
I emerge from my cocoon Hide Me
After all the April showers Seek Me
You will see me flutter by Hold Me
In the garden there for hours Feel Me

But when I'm in the mood
I shed my innocence
I’ll dance around the moon
I only need the chance

Butterfly Butterfly trying to multiply
Everyone satisfy on my mind in my eye
I go out in the night everything is alright
As I dance in the light of the moon
I'm a Butterfly just a Butterfly
I'm a Butterfly of the Night

I'm a social butterfly Friendly
Painted lips and big eyelashes Lovely
I won't stay inside my room Lonely
Grab my phone and my Sunglasses Meet Me
Everybody passing by Find Me
Turn their heads to watch me dancing See Me

And if I'm in the mood
I lose my innocence and
Dance around the room
I go into a trance

Butterfly Gratify Please be my Alibi
Private eye Counterspy Don't need to justify
Butterfly Lullaby Mystify Me

Butterfly Butterfly trying to multiply
Everyone satisfy on my mind in my eye
I go out in the night everything is alright
As I dance in the light of the moon
I'm a Butterfly just a Butterfly
I'm a Butterfly of the Night

Butterfly Gratify Please be my Alibi
Private eye Counterspy Don't need to justify
Butterfly Lullaby Mystify Me

I am just a butterfly Feel Free
Painted wings on purple flowers Real Me
Butterfly by Doxter S


Connection by Doxter S is a love song in Em that starts out slow but will quickly get your heart beating double time. The acoustic bass and Violoncello are both melodic and percussive, with the piano bass providing gentle arpeggios of the simple chord progressions. The lyrics include a syncopated vocal echo of the phrase “I know” that is set up first by the pizzicato violoncello.

Connection now on Spotify and Apple Music.

We Like It

We Like It by Doxter S captures the energy and passion of of love in a delightful duet with a catchy melody based on Hawaiian Ukulele strumming. Listen to We Like It by Doxter S on Apple Music.

Doxter S has been creating new popular vocal music in various styles for the last dozen years, now with 73 original titles published. Every song is unique, with catchy melodies and clever yet emotional lyrics, engaging the listener in an emotional transformation.

We Like It by Doxter S is one of 82 original songs. Listen on Spotify and Apple Music.


Nervous by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs produced at Crimson Studios. This pop style song could be sung acapella, however this production includes percussion, strings, and piano. There is asymmetry between the sequential verses and there is a substantial pre chorus. The instrumental backing for the chorus is minimal, as the lead and harmony together provide an orchestral presence. The chorus has a lively percussion accompaniment.

Nervous by Doxter S is available for streaming on Apple Music and on Spotify.

Da Boom

We are currently experiencing a revival of retro-style musical productions for theater and cinema. Some examples on Broadway are Chicago, Wicked, and Pretty Woman. On the big screen we saw The Entertainer, La La Land, and The Greatest Showman. This New Release, Da Boom by Doxter S, captures in music the rhythm and excitement of a big dance number. The descriptive lyrics take the listener step by step through a complete dance routine. You can’t resist the beat, you must pick up your feet, and dance the night away, until the day breaks. Da Boom by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and on Apple Music.


Amazing by Doxter S is an upbeat revival style song that echoes the traditional song Amazing Grace in one refrain, but has it’s own upbeat character that will bring the entire congregation to its feet. Amazing by Doxter S is one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.


Lost but now I'm found  Oh how sweet the sound 

I once was lost but I turned myself around I was blind but all at once I can see
Amazing Grace you have given me a place The entire human race destiny

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found I was blind but now I see

Saved a wretch like me Blind but now I see

There is a spark that illuminates the dark It lies deep within your heart set it free
A brilliant light so magnificent and bright Like a beacon in the night all can see

Revelation Jubilation

Lost but now I'm found Oh how sweet the sound

Touched by the love of the presence from above Gentle hand that reaches in to my soul
Amazing Grace I accept your warm embrace Let my being become part of the whole

Saved a wretch like me Blind but now I see

We're not alone You can feel it in the bone Our salvation at this moment sublime
Raise you hands high praise the spirit in the sky Seek redemption from the pure and divine

Revelation Jubilation

Lost but now I'm found Oh how sweet the sound
Saved a wretch like me Blind but now I see
Alleluia Ahh Ahh Ahh Amen
Amazing by Doxter S

Flower Girl

Flower Girl

Sometimes the inspiration for a song is a person, maybe a place, or a feeling, or perhaps a period in time. Flower Girl by Doxter S is all of these, one of 73 original songs available for streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.

Flower Girl was written by Doxter S, sung by a female lead, and was produced at Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia in 2017.

John Michael

John Michael

Doxter S has created 82 original songs over the last decade with Crimson Studios in McLean, Virginia. Each original song is unique and personal with a blend of ear catching melody and mind engaging lyrics.

John Michael by Doxter S is the latest song, written in honor of his 2nd grandson, who will turn 1-year old in 2024. The melody is catchy and the chord progression is emotionally moving. The lyrics capture the joys of childhood and parenthood at this tender age.


John John Little John Michael 
Sleeping so sweetly Breathing so softly Just like an Angel
Little John Michael When you awaken You will be watching
Everyone smile

This is such a happy day Celebrate in every way
There's a lot you want to say Tell us all John Michael

Smiling Everyone smiling
Watching you playing Everyone saying He's just an Angel
Little John Michael Wanting to hold you Arms that enfold you
Making you smile

All the world is fresh and new What you do is up to you
Take your time and see it through Way to go John Michael

Hey It's such a happy day John Michael time to play
See what the world's about John Michael stand and Shout

Hooray John Michael Sing Your praise John Michael
Ding the bells ring proudly Boom the drum beats loudly

John John Little John Michael
Happy occasion Anticipation Our little Angel
Little John Michael Having a Birthday Your celebration
Every one smile

John Michael by Doxter S is also available on Apple Music and Spotify.


Doxter S created a new composition with music and lyrics as a gift to his Grandson, Lukas John Kitonis, for his 1st Birthday in 2024. This is a children’s song, joining several other original creations by Doxter S fitting this category, including Sleep, Butterfly, and Handmaiden. Lukas by Doxter S is his 74th original published song, available on Spotify and Apple Music.

Lukas by Doxter S is available on Apple Music and Spotify.

Doxter S Music

You can stream all original music by Doxter S from Crimson Studios by going to the music page. Many of these original songs are accompanied by unpublished versions with a different mix or lead singer.


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