My Music Looks Like The World’s Largest Ball of Twine

Music World's Largest Ball of Twine

My Music Looks Like The World’s Largest Ball of Twine

I started out writing a new song and it ended up My Music Looks Like The World’s Largest Ball of Twine. I’m sure this happens to everyone. It starts with the idea of a song. I’m hearing the melody and lyrics in my head. I write them down and start playing different versions. Finally satisfied, I complete my composition in MuseScore. Then I start recording my vocals to create simple demo using the Midi tracks. When I’m satisfied this demo represents my idea, I apply for a copyright. This entire first pass takes a couple weeks.

The time comes to record some harmony and backing vocals. I add live guitar and piano. Drum tracks (for Mirrors) are automated using GarageBand Drummer. I add new Midi instruments. I record news takes for my lead vocals and additional backing vocals.

Then I arrange for a female backup vocalist to cover my backup tracks. I combine those tracks with the mix, adding effects. Then I and ask my female vocalist for another take. I  add more effects. I go track by track adjusting EQ and Compression, add spacial effects, reverb and delay. By this point my simple, elegant demo has turned into The World’s Largest Ball of Twine!

I’ll tell you why you don’t ever want to let me anywhere near the actual World’s Largest Ball of Twine. That’s because I will start removing stuff until I can see each and every distinct piece of twine. So that is exactly what I must do with my mix: remove things one by one, until I can hear each an every Guitar Strum, High-Hat, Vocal Harmony, and Piano Arpeggio. I want to feel the texture and experience the dynamic emotion of this song when I’m done.

